Inspirational Short Moral Stories for Kids in English PDF

Friends, I am sharing short moral stories for kids in English with you. You should go because you will get some hardening. Will it help to take you towards your goal? You can read the English moral story small for kids on Ginfo4U.

Short Moral Story of Bird Trouble

There was a bird, she used to fly very high, kept chirping around here and there. Sometimes on this branch, sometimes he would whimper on that branch. But that bird had a habit of keeping whatever stones he had with him in the day, good or bad, in his bag and often saw those stones from the bundle and saw the good stones. 
Short Moral Stories for Kids in English - Ginfo4U- small english stories for kids pdf
Seeing the good things that happened in the past, she would be happy. And sad to see the bad stones. Used to do it every day. Due to the collection of stones every day, his bundle was getting heavier day by day. After a few days, he started having trouble flying with a packed bag. But she could not understand why she could not get up.

After some time, the bag was getting heavier and heavier. Now it was getting difficult even to walk on the ground. And one day it came that she could not even afford to eat and drink for herself and died under the burden of her stones.

Moral Of the Story -

Friends, the same happens to us when we keep old things with us. Instead of enjoying our present, we keep thinking about the things of the past.

Short Moral Story of All Relationships Break UP

Once there was a very beautiful girl. She was so beautiful, whoever looked at her, kept on watching. But he used to get angry. In anger, she would say anything to anyone. Everyone at home was very upset with this habit. Once his father thought to teach him a lesson. 

His father gave him some nail and blows and said that for one month we will do an activity in which you have to reduce anger for just one month, after which you can get as much anger as you want. And whenever you get angry and you speak badly to someone, put a nail in the wall. 

And have to try to reduce the anger, the girl is ready. Whenever she got angry and said something to someone, she would put a nail in the wall. In 15 days, that girl did the worst thing to say.

Now his father told him that if you do not speak badly to anyone once you are angry, then remove one nail from your nail. The girl did the same. By the end of 1 month, all the nails were removed from the wall. The girl was very happy that she won the game. Ar started telling her father See, all the nails went out of the wall.

His father said to his daughter that the nail went out of the wall, but does the wall look like as beautiful as before. Marks have been read from place to place on the wall.

The father explained to his daughter, similarly, after you get angry at somebody, unhealthy marks are left in your relationship. And one day these marks conjointly spoil Risto, the girl's purpose was understood and she or he reduced her anger from that day.

Moral of the Story Friends-

All People have faced this type of condition. We say the opposite of what we can get angry and make our relationship worse. We make a habit of getting angry and we get angry about what we can do.

As if the boss said something in the office, we cannot say anything to him, then he comes home and scolds the children without any fault. Therefore, correct this bad habit before your relationship deteriorates.

Short Moral Story Elephant Lost

Once, a person was carrying an elephant tied with a rope. Another person was watching it. He was surprised that such a moving animal is being tied to the rope by this lighter. Another person asked the owner of the elephant "How is it possible that such a big animal is not able to break a light rope and is following you The owner of the elephant said that when these elephants are small, they are tied with a rope, at that time they try to break the rope but cannot break it.

If they are doing not break that rope even after repeated attempts, the elephants suppose that they can not break this rope and that they stop trying to grow.

Moral Of the Story - 

Friends, we tend to conjointly keep several such negative things in our mind that we tend to cannot. And that we tie ourselves with a rope that does not really exist.

Short Moral Story of  Right Mind:-

Once upon a time, there were 3 disciples of a Guruji. Guru Ji tied some lentils in a bundle to his 3 disciples and told them to use all three of them as per their choice. And I met me after 1 year. The three disciples took their own bundles and left.

The first disciple opened the bundle and he saw that it is just grains of a gram, he took the grain and kept it in worship that this Guruji has given us prasad and worshiped him daily.

The other disciple saw that there are grains of a gram in it, so he made his pulse and he ate the pulse himself and he fed his family. On the other hand, the third disciple saw and thought that Guruji has given these grains of lentils, then there will be some mystery in it. Feeding lentils bread.

After 1 year all three disciples came to Guruji. And all three told Guruji one by one what did he do with that bundle. Guruji said that I have given the same knowledge to everyone but everyone picked up the knowledge according to their reverence.

Moral Of the Story -

The same thing happens to us as well, in a class, the teacher studies all the children together; they study the same, but a child tops someone, how much we make our intellect stable, how we use our brains. Determines the direction of our life. So always keep learning attitude, keep learning, and make life good. 

Short Moral Story Saints and Scorpions

Once upon a time, a saint was going to the shore by the sea. He saw a scorpion drowning in water. The saint got pity, he picked it up and left it out of the water. Then after a few moments, I saw the scorpion and that scorpion came. The saint was carrying away the scorpion again, and the scorpion started stinging the saint, yet the saint saved him from the water. 

Then a wave came and took away that scorpion. The saint then rescued him. The scorpion tried to sting again. It happened many times that the saint would try to save him and sting a scorpion. A person was watching all this, he came to the saint and asked why are you saving that scorpion, let it kill you, it is stinging you, so how did the saint reply that when the scorpion is in the nature of its sting If you are exploited, however, am I able to leave my nature to hit others?

Moral Of the Story - 

We tend to might not be like those saints, however, we tend to are human, we've got an honest nature of our own, however, once others do unhealthy, we leave our good nature and start replying to him according to his bad nature like someone If we have done something wrong with us, then we too start doing wrong with it and after doing this many times, it becomes our nature after a few years and we start doing wrong with everyone. Therefore, we should not change what is our nature if someone does something wrong.

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Tags:- moral story short, moral story of English, English moral story short, English stories for kids pdf, short moral stories for kids in English, small English moral stories.

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